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Saturday, November 04, 2006

Three Months and one week

I'm trying to sit!

So I am really bad at this blog thing. I constantly forget to update it :( Well, what has happened in the past weeks? Plenty. My baby girl is doing so many new things. She can grab things, she pushes herself from a leaning position to a sitting position (but not well, she usually plops over onto her side after lol), she giggles and more. It is a wonderful feeling to watch her explore and discover the world. It must be frustrating to be a baby though... imagine not being able to do all the things you want to do! Even sucking on her fist doesn't always work the way she wants! Poor baby! She was christened this month and we had a very nice party. The christening itself was a bit disorganized and we feel as though our families got jipped on seeing the whole thing. As for Alan and I we are doing fine. There isn't to much on the home front. We thought for a while we might move again, but that didn't happen. Thank God! Moving 7 times in the past 5 years is to many times! I love being home though. It is great to be around family and friends again. Now don't get me wrong... I do miss Fl and our friends there, but there is just something about being home again, especially with the holidays coming.

50 more days until Christmas!


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